Due Date: January 13, 2017 (Seniors) • April 7, 2017 (Underclassmen)
Due to a change in the MDCPS calendar, due dates for community service have been changed. Please be advised that all underclassman community service hours are due the Friday before Spring Break. No community service hours for any grade can or will be accepted after the required due dates.
Students’ community service hours must be turned in with the school log, contain all required information on the log to be filled out, and are to be approved by their Social Sciences teachers prior to the hours being turned into Mrs. Viera. Freshmen, Juniors, and Seniors hours will be given to Mrs. Viera by Social Studies teachers only. Mrs. Viera cannot accept hours from individual students.
Only students in 10th grade or those who do not have a Social Science class may hand them in directly to Mrs. Viera in room 585. These hours must be turned in by the required due dates and must also have a school log with all required information filled out. Community service hours will only be collected by Mrs. Viera during first lunch and before or after school.
Mrs. Diana Viera can be reached at 305 – 274 – 0181 Ext. 2412 or her classroom, room 585.